Management of the Five Devils


The five devils are: | Kaam | Krodh | Lobh | Moh | Ahankaar |

The six passions of mind or desire are kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobh (greed), moha (attachment), ahankar (pride) and matsarya (jealousy); the negative characteristics of which prevent man from attaining salvation.

These are the fundamental tenets of Kali Yuga. Kama and krodha or lust and anger are responsible for all kinds of difficult experiences which we have in our lives.

With mada or ahankar, the false ego is up and active and all our deeds in the world become selfish. Hence, there is no other factor causing the illusory duality of differentiating between ‘us’ and ‘them’ and the repeated pain and delusion it entails than the psychological egosense. When the materially identified ego has sided with the materialistic forces of creation (Maya), it is said to have the following faults: kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and matsarya. Also called evil passions, man’s spiritual heritage constantly gets looted by these internal thieves (and their numerous variations), causing him to lose knowledge of his ‘true being’. Through devotion and renunciation, these six vices can be overcome. The constant chanting of the ‘naam, ism’ is the supreme healer in kalijug. It destroys sins and purifies the hearts. It is important to subdue these six inner evils and render them useless. The actions of one’s mind should be above, beyond and without interference from these six inner urges or sins.

Lobhi a khe laanat pavey - jo tho lajjaa - e lok khe;
besharm khe sharam naahe - tho karey pieu khe putt khaan judaa;
lobh ladhae tho paan mein - badnaam buchhro (lobh) bhaaur sagaa;
je judaa thiyan thaa - nikri tinin khaan tode taggaa;
aahin lobh larraya paan mein - thaa mogha maarin jiyare jail;

Greedy people are the shameless ones who will not hesitate to separate even from one’s own father. Greed initiates fight amongst the family members and this then leads to breaking up of close relationships. Due to abundance of greediness, they also become envious of each other.

Ahankaar achee chave unhan khe - suluh nah kayo sarkash ssaa;
Ablees khaan awal vatho - ahankaar jo avihin aaghahaa;
Jo takbar sabab taddiyo ahey - dargah illahikhaa;
Takbar chhadde taabe thyo - na ta naas thee vendo har hik;

Pride prevails in them and prevents them to compromise and reconcile. Such immodest persons are deprived of grace of God due to egotism. So be cautious against ego.

Krodh kahin - saan changgi, nahe kaee - jaache diso saaro jagg;
Har hik khe chave, maa aahiyan - hoo aahe moonkhaan ghat;
Krodh achee jini vat rahe - so hoondo har dam sunjjiyo;
Je krodhi khe - a - kasar na aayi - ta kando khalk manjh khuvaar;
Janhi jaa ahiddaa paar - so kee n kando sulih sansaar saa;
Krodhi a khe kaahe kaam - achee dhuryaun dhikaario moh;
Kaami khaami rahiyo - disi aayal ochito kaal;
viyo vaaidde khe visri - kutumb kabilo maal;

Anger in man has not done any good in this world. One who holds anger will make his life miserable. If in case anger overpowers him, he would start abusing and creating chaos in the crowd. The one projecting such behaviour will never be able to adjust himself in the world.

If anger is not controlled, it will lead to lust. When one’s end suddenly comes near, one forgets kith and kin and all material wealth. There hardly remains time to repent for all past undesirable behaviour and one falls into the chauraasi-chakkras because of this evil deeds. Anger is a sin because when one is angry, one loses centeredness and also loses sight of oneself. Spiritual practices help to maintain centeredness.

Konihe ko manjh sansaar mein - vaando vikaaraan khaa;
Middai mahaa jjaar mein - thaa dian fathikhi jaan;
Ko Ann labh avatar tho tohde - mahaa maya jjaar khe;
Jin jiyare panh mariyo.....
No one is free from all these internal vices and flaws. Each one of us is striving to get free from the cage/net that we are all caught up in. While trying to escape from this struggle, one loses their life and dies. It is that rare human being/prophet/auliya that is able to overcome all these internal vices in his lifetime itself. He is able to rise above all mortal needs and desires. Such a person is truly ‘rare’.

Haque Maujud. Sada Maujud.